Learn to Create with Cipher's Circles: Free Coding Community


Cipher presents Circles. Create, together.

Circles will be a launching pad into the world of code for high schoolers. Applications are open to this free program, presented by local youth-led grassroots group, Cipher (apply now).

The goal is to have just enough knowledge to hack something magnificent and incredibly rewarding together because once you get that first taste of how much power you have to create, it’s an itch that needs to be scratched consistently.

Hackers will work in tandem weekly in a 8-month season to "move fast and break things" with various technologies, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, frameworks, Python, Ruby, C, through project-based, peer-to-peer learning.

These free sessions will take place at Redwood Studio, a studio space in Brampton for registered participants.

Circles adopts the element of community from school, but breaks the student-teacher hierarchy, opting for peer-to-peer learning. Consequently, the community offers a more effective model of learning, while maintaining the crucial element of collaboration.

The community is not bound to a specific curriculum. Teachers are afraid to experiment what they aren’t comfortable with. Programming is uncomfortable and scary constantly — that’s the fun part.