Reppin' Brampton Workshop Series: The ACCESS Fund's First Project

Reppin' Brampton Workshop Series: The ACCESS Fund's First Project

ACCESS is thrilled to announce the first organization and project that has received support from The ACCESS Fund.

The first recipient is Brampton’s Multicultural Youth Council, a youth-run organization striving to unite the community in order to celebrate diversity and, in the process, help make a difference. BMYC hopes to educate the public on the ethical issues that concern youth today and help bridge the cultural gap between generations.

ACCESS is pleased to fund one of BMYC's programs specifically:

The Reppin' Brampton Workshop Series

One of the key contributing factors to oppression and inequality is the lack of representation. With the Reppin' Brampton workshops series, BMYC hopes to tackle this issue. Each workshop explores the roles of cultural representation in different facets of the world, with themes ranging from law enforcement to athletics.

Youth attendees learn about cultural representation through discussion, which is sparked by the 2-3 panelists that are a part of every workshop. Each panelist has relevant experience to topic of each event, and aims to spark and engage conversation with attendees.

Reppin' Brampton allows youth to understand cultural representation through multiple smaller lenses, rather than being overwhelmed with the entire concept at once.

The video below is a general overview of the program funded by ACCESS.

The 2017 workshop series kicked-off with the topic of Politics and Culture.

For updates on future workshops as part of this series, follow BYMC on Facebook.

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