Office of Catholic Youth Recognizes ACCESS


The "OCY e-update" for April 28, 2006 included a mention of the creation and work of the "ambitious program", ACCESS. Father Edwin Gonsalves is the Director of the Office of Catholic Youth, and has recognized our organization. Here is the closing statement:

“I wish to share with you the story of Daniel Francavilla from the parish of Marguerite d’Youville who is witnessing to the resurrection. This young man visited the Dominican Republic and discovered that the young children lacked school supplies. On returning home, he decided to talk to his parish community and they raised a sizeable amount of money for the children in the Dominican Republic. This ambitious program is called A.C.C.E.S.S: allowing children a chance at education with school supplies. This young man and many others are witnessing to the resurrection. They are overcoming the negative influences in our world, by doing good. Christ is truly Risen. Let us continue to celebrate…”